How to start a Bonsai Tree
Part 1 of 2: Choosing the Right Bonsai Tree for You
1 Select a suitable species of tree for your climate
2 Decide whether you plan on having an indoor or outdoor tree
3 Select the size of your bonsai
4 Visualize the finished product while selecting a plant
5 Select a pot.
Part 2 of 2: Potting a Bonsai Tree
Potting Grown Trees
1 Prepare the tree
2 Remove the tree and clean the roots.
3 Prune the roots.
4 Prepare the pot.
5 Pot the tree.
6 Care for your new bonsai tree.
Starting a Tree from Seed
1 Obtain your seeds.
2 Allow the seed to germinate.
3 Introduce your seedlings to a seed tray or pot.
4 Keep your seedlings in an area of suitable temperature.
5 Care for your young seedlings.